
Frequently Asked Questions

MadEx is a celebration of comics, toys, TV, film, art, cosplay, games, and all things nerdy. If you're a fan of Batman, the Avengers, Doctor Who, Star Wars, LEGO, Disney, Star Trek, the Walking Dead, Power Rangers, Game of Thrones, etc., you'll probably fit right in at MadEx!! 

MadEx is August 9-10, 2025. Show hours will be announced in 2025.

MadEx takes place at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison, WI! 

MadEx is produced by Nerd Street Events (est. 2011), which is also behind Twin Cities Con, Des Moines Con, Central Florida Comic Con, Annapolis Comic-Con, Southern Maryland Comic-Con, Sugoi Expo, and co-produces Alaska ComiCon.

Please check out our Guests Page for the latest guest list. Follow our Facebook Page to get updates when they happen!

In general, our celebrity guests are happy to sign items that you bring from home. There may be an additional charge for certain items, and there may be specific items that some celebs are not willing to sign at all. Please do not bring any weapons for them to sign that would violate our prop weapon policy. 

You can purchase tickets to MadEx from our ticketing website,

Kids tickets only cost $8 and are good all weekend! 

Please fill out our Press/Media Request Form HERE

Important Info & Policies


Nerd Street Events/Madison Comic & Pop Culture Expo is committed to fostering a safe, inclusive, and rewarding atmosphere. Our events are meant to be an inclusive space for fans, with a zero-tolerance policy against harassment, groping, stalking, and inappropriate photography. Gender-based harassment is unacceptable at MadEx. 

Harassment includes, but is not limited to, verbal comments that reinforce social structures of domination related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, religion; deliberate intimidation; stalking; following; harassing photography or recording; sustained disruption of talks or other events; inappropriate physical contact; and unwelcome sexual attention. Harassment of any kind is unwelcome at MadEx and will not be tolerated.


Any weapon that could seriously hurt somebody is not allowed at MadEx. Specifically, but not limited to:

  • Functional firearms – that includes paintball, airsoft, bb guns, cap guns, any gun that shoots a real projectile or causes a real explosion.

  • Realistic firearms – any gun that could be confused for a real gun.  If it looks like a real gun, it is not allowed. Realistic prop guns with brightly-colored caps are not allowed.

  • Prop weapons made of a hard material such as metal, wood, or glass

  • Functional projectile weapons – any weapon (crossbow, slingshot, etc) that discharges a projectile

  • Metal-bladed weapons

  • Whips

  • Explosives

  • Blunt weapons like bats, clubs, or hockey sticks

  • Loud props such as whistles, horns, etc.

Prop weapons are allowed, as long as they meet the following criteria; That they are composed of cardboard, foam, something light. Prop firearms are allowed only if they cannot be mistaken for real weapons. Prop bows will be allowed providing all arrows have soft tips and will not be shot. Prop weapons will be allowed at the discretion of staff and uniformed security personnel. Safety is paramount, we will always err on the side of caution. There will be no place to store prohibited weapons on-site. If you have a weapon that is prohibited, you will be escorted from the building and not allowed back in with the weapon.

Hateful symbols aren’t welcome at Madison Comic & Pop Culture Expo. Historical costumes can be great, but reminders of unspeakable atrocities are not appropriate, ever. This includes any sort of “ironic” or satirical costumes that re-appropriate Nazi paraphernalia or gear.  Swastikas of any kind are not allowed at MadEx.